About us

Key-Value is a service provider in computing. We supply high technologies and we use our expertise to meet the needs of our customers.



Computing solutions having showed their ability

For years, we supply reliable computing solutions to compagnies. Our complete services allow our customers to benefit from personalized technology solutions according to the specific requirements of their compagny.

Get in touch with our experts

Consult our experts, they will advise you on the maintenance and the management of your entire computer network. 


Key-Value proposes quite at the same time economic and adapted solutions.

For more information, please use our contact form.



Vos techniciens ne s’en sortent pas ?

Key-Value peut vous aider ! Contactez notre assistance téléphonique :


+33 646 663 008

ou utilisez notre formulaire de contact



28, rue de la fraternité

94320 Thiais, FRANCE